How to grow dill

Guide to Growing Dill

Dill is a hardy, easy-to-grow herb that thrives in sunny spots and well-drained soil. Whether you're growing it for its leaves (known as dill weed) or its seeds (great for pickling), this guide will help you grow healthy dill plants and enjoy its unique flavor.

Choose the Right Variety

There are two primary types of dill: leaf dill (used for its aromatic fronds) and seed dill (grown for its seeds, often used in pickling).

  • Leaf Dill (Dill Weed): This is the common variety grown for its delicate, feathery leaves. Popular varieties include Fernleaf and Dukat.
  • Seed Dill: This variety is typically grown specifically for its seeds. If you're planning on making pickles or using dill for its seeds in recipes, look for varieties like Mammoth Long Island.

Choose the variety that suits your needs—if you want to use the leaves for fresh dishes, go for leaf dill, and if you're after seeds for pickling or cooking, opt for a seed-producing variety.

When to Plant

Dill is a cool-season herb but is sensitive to frost, so it's important to plant at the right time.

  • Timing: Start sowing dill seeds in early spring, after the last frost date. Dill is frost-tolerant, but the seeds need warm soil (around 60-70°F) to germinate.
  • Soil temperature: Dill thrives in moderately warm soil. Wait for the soil to warm to at least 60°F before planting outdoors.
  • Starting indoors: Dill doesn’t transplant well, so it’s best to directly sow seeds outdoors. However, you can start seeds indoors 3-4 weeks before the last frost if you want to give them a head start.


Soil Preparation

Dill grows best in light, well-drained soil with plenty of nutrients.

  • Soil type: Dill prefers moderately fertile, well-drained soil. It can tolerate slightly dry conditions, but heavy, clay-like soils will hinder its growth.
  • Soil pH: Dill prefers slightly acidic to neutral soil, with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5.
  • Soil amendment: Before planting, work in some compost or organic matter to improve soil fertility and structure.


Planting Dill

Dill is best grown from seed, and it’s a good idea to plant it directly where it will grow because it doesn't transplant well.

  • Sowing seeds: Plant dill seeds about 1/4 inch deep. Space the seeds 6-8 inches apart for leaf dill and 12-18 inches apart for seed dill. If you’re planting in rows, space the rows about 12-18 inches apart.
  • Direct sowing: Dill doesn’t like to be transplanted, so sow directly in the garden or containers. If growing in containers, choose a deep pot that will allow the plant’s roots to spread out.
  • Thin seedlings: Once seedlings are about 3-4 inches tall, thin them to the recommended spacing to prevent overcrowding.



Dill is a sun-loving herb and needs plenty of sunlight to thrive.

  • Full sun: Plant dill in a location that receives at least 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. If you’re growing it indoors, place it near a sunny window or under grow lights.
  • Partial shade: While dill prefers full sun, it can tolerate light shade, especially in warmer climates where afternoon sun can be intense.



Dill doesn’t like overly wet soil, so it’s important to water correctly.

  • Watering frequency: Dill prefers soil that’s consistently moist but not soggy. Water when the soil feels dry to the touch, but avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.
  • Deep watering: Water deeply to encourage deep root growth, especially during dry spells. Ensure the soil drains well to prevent waterlogging.


Dill isn’t a heavy feeder, but it benefits from light fertilization.

  • Before planting: Mix in some compost or a balanced, slow-release fertilizer before planting to provide nutrients for early growth.
  • Ongoing care: Dill doesn’t need much additional fertilization. If the soil is poor, you can add a light application of compost or organic fertilizer during the growing season.

Pruning and Harvesting

Dill is very easy to harvest, and regular picking will encourage more growth.

  • Pruning: Trim the leaves regularly to keep the plant healthy and bushy. Remove any flowers that start to bloom, as the plant will begin to focus on seed production rather than leaf growth.
  • Harvesting leaves: You can start harvesting dill leaves (fronds) as soon as the plant is large enough (usually 4-6 weeks after planting). Cut the leaves off just above the soil level to promote new growth. Always leave some foliage so the plant can continue growing.
  • Harvesting seeds: If you’re growing dill for its seeds, allow the plant to flower and set seeds. Harvest the seeds when they turn brown and dry. You can shake them off the plant or cut off the seed heads and hang them upside down to finish drying.

Pests and Diseases

While dill is relatively pest-resistant, it can sometimes be susceptible to aphids and other insects.

  • Pests: Aphids, dill caterpillars, and spider mites can sometimes attack dill plants. You can treat these pests by spraying with insecticidal soap or using neem oil. Natural predators, like ladybugs, can also help control aphids.
  • Diseases: Dill is generally disease-resistant, but it can suffer from powdery mildew if grown in very humid conditions. To prevent this, avoid overhead watering and provide good airflow around the plants. Remove any infected leaves promptly.


Dill is best used fresh, but you can preserve it for later use.

  • Drying: To dry dill for storage, cut the stems when the plant is mature and tie the bunches together. Hang them upside down in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Once the leaves are dry, strip the leaves from the stems and store them in an airtight container.
  • Freezing: You can freeze fresh dill by chopping it and placing it in ice cube trays with a little water or olive oil. Once frozen, transfer the cubes to an airtight container or freezer bag.
  • Fresh use: Dill’s flavor is best when used fresh, but drying or freezing will preserve much of its aromatic quality for later.

Tips for Success:

  • Companion planting: Dill attracts beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs, which can help pollinate your garden. It's also a good companion for plants like cabbage, lettuce, and tomatoes.
  • Succession planting: To ensure a steady supply of fresh dill, plant new seeds every 2-3 weeks.
  • Protecting from pests: To prevent dill caterpillars from munching on your plants, consider using row covers until the plants are mature enough to withstand some nibbling.

Dill is an easy-to-grow herb that will reward you with fragrant leaves and seeds for a variety of uses in your kitchen. With the right care and attention, you'll enjoy a steady supply of this delicious herb all season long! 🌿

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