How to grow corn

Guide to Growing Corn

Corn is a warm-season crop that’s fun to grow, and with a little care, it can be very rewarding. Whether you’re planting sweet corn for fresh eating or field corn for other uses, this guide will help you get the best results.

Choose the Right Variety

There are several types of corn, each suited for different uses. The most common types for home gardeners include:

  • Sweet Corn: Ideal for eating fresh, canned, or frozen. Popular varieties include Sweet Country Gentleman and Golden Bantam.
  • Field Corn: Grown for animal feed, flour, or as dried kernels for popcorn. Varieties like Dent corn and Flint corn are commonly grown.
  • Popcorn: A fun option for growing your own snack. Varieties include Baby Blue and Strawberry Popcorn.

Pick the variety based on your intended use and climate zone.

When to Plant

Corn is a warm-weather crop, so it’s important to plant when the soil and air are warm enough.

  • Soil temperature: Corn needs a soil temperature of at least 60°F for optimal germination. This usually happens around late spring to early summer, depending on your region.
  • Planting time: Plant corn after the last frost date when the soil has warmed up. In most climates, that’s around mid to late spring.
  • Spacing and planting method: Corn is best grown in blocks (not rows), as it is wind-pollinated. Planting 4-6 rows close together will help ensure good pollination. Space seeds 4-6 inches apart, and plant 1-2 inches deep.

Soil Preparation

Corn loves rich, fertile soil, so preparing the soil well is key to growing healthy plants.

  • Soil type: Corn grows best in deep, loamy soil that’s well-draining. It doesn’t like heavy clay or overly sandy soil.
  • Soil pH: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.0-6.8).
  • Amend the soil: Add plenty of compost or well-rotted manure before planting to give your corn a nutrient boost.
  • Fertilization: Corn is a heavy feeder, so it requires a lot of nitrogen. Incorporate a balanced, slow-release fertilizer before planting, and then side-dress with additional nitrogen after the plants reach about 12 inches tall.


Corn needs a lot of water, especially during the pollination and kernel formation stages.

  • Consistent moisture: Keep the soil evenly moist, especially when the plants are young and when the ears are developing.
  • Deep watering: Water deeply, ensuring the moisture reaches the root zone. Corn’s roots can grow deep, so deep watering encourages healthy root development.
  • Avoid waterlogging: Ensure your soil drains well to avoid root rot. Water early in the day to reduce the risk of fungal diseases.

Thinning and Spacing

Once your corn seedlings are a few inches tall, thin them to prevent overcrowding.

  • Thin seedlings: Leave about 8-12 inches of space between each plant. This will give your corn enough room to grow and prevent competition for water and nutrients.
  • Plant in blocks: Planting in blocks of 4-6 rows, rather than long rows, is important for good pollination. Corn is wind-pollinated, so the closer the plants are to each other, the better the pollination.


Pollination is key to growing good corn. Corn has separate male (tassel) and female (ear) flowers, and they need to be pollinated by wind.

  • Watch the tassels: The tassels release pollen, which is carried by the wind to the silks that emerge from the ears.
  • Ensure good pollination: For the best results, gently shake the plants or run your hands through the tassels on windy days to help distribute pollen more effectively.
  • Spacing: Planting in blocks helps facilitate pollination. A single row of corn may not get enough cross-pollination, leading to poor kernel formation.

Pests and Diseases

Corn can attract a variety of pests, including corn earworms, aphids, and rootworms. Diseases like rust and blight can also affect corn.

  • Pests: Use row covers or companion plants like marigolds to deter pests. You can also hand-pick pests like worms or use an organic insecticidal soap if necessary.
  • Disease management: Rotate crops each year to reduce the risk of soil-borne diseases. Avoid overhead watering to reduce fungal diseases, and be sure to remove any diseased plants promptly.

Mulching and Weed Control

Weeds compete with corn for nutrients and water, so keep the area weed-free.

  • Mulch: Apply a layer of mulch around your corn plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and keep the soil temperature stable.
  • Weeding: Keep an eye on weeds early in the season, before they have a chance to compete with the corn plants. Use a hoe or hand-pull weeds, being careful not to disturb the shallow roots of the corn.


Corn is ready to harvest when the ears are plump and the silks have turned brown.

  • Check the silks: When the silks on the ear have turned brown, the corn is close to ready. Check the kernels by gently squeezing them—if they release a milky liquid, it’s time to harvest.
  • Harvesting method: Use a sharp knife to cut the ears off the stalks, leaving a few inches of the cob attached.
  • Timing: Corn is best harvested in the morning when it’s cool, as this helps maintain its sweetness and quality.


Corn is best eaten fresh, but it can also be stored for later use.

  • Fresh corn: If you’re eating it right away, fresh corn should be consumed soon after harvesting to preserve its sweetness.
  • Freezing: For long-term storage, blanch the ears (in boiling water for 3-5 minutes), then freeze them in airtight bags.
  • Drying: If you’re growing field corn for drying, leave the corn on the stalk until the kernels are hard. After harvesting, remove the kernels and store them in a cool, dry place.

Tips for Success:

  • Plant in full sun: Corn needs at least 8 hours of sunlight per day to thrive.
  • Consistency is key: Regular watering, proper spacing, and good soil preparation all contribute to a successful crop.
  • Stay patient: Corn takes time to grow (about 70-100 days), so don’t rush the process and give your plants the care they need.
  • Avoid heat stress: Corn can be stressed in extreme heat. If temperatures soar, provide shade or water more frequently to keep your plants healthy.

With the right care, you’ll be able to enjoy delicious, homegrown corn! Happy gardening 🌽🌱

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